For our second Lorei Portraits Model shoot we went to the Erie Art Museum. And, just like the first time, hair and makeup was done flawlessly by Panache and Bridal Elegance provided some beautiful prom dresses. Sarah Peach helped us with all of her crazy good talent. And, we welcomed yet another portrait artist, up and coming guest artist, Max Lorei.
We had full access to the art museum, both first and second floor and even the old, underground displays. While the Warner dazzled us with its richness, its elegance and all its finery, the art museum has a modern simplicity, almost stark barren-ness. I had to adjust my shooting style, not relying so much on tapestries, curtains and an elegant balcony. Instead, I had to go back to the most basic elements of composition, line, form and light. And, if there was not good light, I created my own. It pushed us creatively to deliver the stunning and beautiful with less. But, as they say, less is more.
To say that we had fun is an understatement. Our models were delightful as always.